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Old 12-11-2019, 06:39 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Dec 2019
Location: Guildford
Posts: 41
Default Re: Help with Bin Cage

Originally Posted by Serendipity7000 View Post
It sounds like the 146 litre rub bin is it? IF so they are supposed to be better to cut than most and don't crack like some do. I believe people use a hot knife to cut the panel and they do need ventilation. I haven't heard of hamsters chewing the plastic edges. Most people mesh the outside and hold the mesh in place with cable ties (or even stick down the external edges with masking tape).

Are you in the Uk? If so then the Alaska cage may be a good option instead - works out cheaper than making a bin cage sometimes and has a nice big front openinng door - good for access and interaction with the hamster.

Assume this is for a Syrian hamster?

If you're in the US - the Prevue cage is good and very similar

Thank you for your reply Serendipity!
Yes, it is for a Syrian, I also have not heard of hamsters chewing their way out so maybe it is unlikely. I was looking at getting the Whicks 145L storage box but as it is £35 I may be better going for the Alaska cage as you said!

Where was the 146L bin from that you mentioned out of interest? The only worry I had with a wire cage is a lack of burrowing room, do you think this would be a big issue?

Appreciate the help!
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