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Old 11-25-2019, 02:07 PM  
Hamster Addict
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Default Re: Fitch bedding vs Kaytee C&C vs Carefresh white?

I needed this thread as I've used carefresh and it was very dusty and had a horrible smell to it. I'm currently using kiln dried woodshavings...I know naughty me but it got basically no odour and isn't dusty compared to carefresh batches I've had it's the lesser of the two evils. Was thinking of trying kaytee but heard somewhere about chemicals being used that harm both humans and hamsters. Domt know details on it like but that's the only thing that put me off. Fitch has been highly recommended but personally never used it as it comes in huge bags and I don't have a huge cage to put it in, mine holds about 60l so idk where I'd store the bags
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