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Old 11-22-2019, 10:58 AM  
Join Date: Nov 2019
Posts: 1
Default Adopted Robo is pertified of me.

Hey all! New here and have made an account as I really need some help. I adopted a 6 month old female Robo hamster, it's been 3 weeks and she is still petrified of me, whenever I try to put my hand near her in the cage, she pretty much teleports to the opposite side. The only way I've been able to get her out of the cage so I can clean it is by chasing her around with my hand and grabbing her which I'm sure isn't helping. I've tried making her bedding out of tissue which I've made smell of my hands, I've tried leaving my hand still in her cage for her to smell and get used to and I'm always gentle but she's so so so skittery. I took her out to see if I could bond with her on a bed but she flipped out of my hand the second I opened it and ended up behind the wardrobe. My last Robo ham was nothing like this and this ham came from a pet shop, she had been returned by another person which is why she was in their adoption centre. I'm at my wits end here, I just want to show her that I'm no threat but the second she even catches my scent, she's gone! She's VERy hard to catch, she speend off at 100 mph the second she sees my hand. I would really appreciate any tips!
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