Thread: Please help
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Old 11-16-2019, 09:48 AM  
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Default Re: Please help

That is very young for a baby to be homed. They really should not leave their siblings until they are at least 6 weeks. The first thing I would do is downsize the cage till he grows a bit and gets tamed. The detoft is great but the space is huge for such a young hamster and they get upset as you have to try and catch them to tame them. If he came to us he would go in a smaller tank type cage like a duna multy with easy access so we could stat the taming. First thing is to stroke his back pressing lightly so he gets used to the feel of you then you move on to the lift and lay. His head should be under the heel of your hand. Just lift an inch then lay down. start extending the lift time the pass him on to the other hand and let him walk off again. Short intense taming sessions 3 or 4 times a day are good. Move on to running him hand to hand through tunnelled fingers so he feels your hand around him (he will be speedy so be prepared) eventually you should be able to pick him up and handle. Be confident in the handling and prepared for him jumping so always handle over a soft surface or on a floor space where he cannot run anywhere and get lost. You can use a tube or jar to get him out the cage. He's just a baby still and I'm sure he will do well.
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