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Old 10-21-2019, 03:29 PM  
Ria P
House of Hamsters
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Wiltshire, UK
Posts: 7,103
Default Re: My first hamster (roborovski) doesn't do nesting

I also have an adopted Robo who has a nice wooden house which he uses as an entrance to his underground sleeping chambers. He goes into his house and then his tail disappears down a hole.

My other adopted dwarf ignores his house completely and has a few entrance holes leading to his underground layer. He made little caves under a table and a bridge.

My Syrian however loves his house, he built a huge, cosy nest and never sleeps anywhere else.

Just go along with whatever your hamster choses to do and don't worry about where he sleeps. He'll sleep wherever he feels most comfortable.

After spot cleaning my Robo moves into his coconut for a couple of days and then moves back underground.

All perfectly normal hamster behaviour.

Substrate: i use Kaytee clean & cozy now and have tried various others. It's absorbent and soft, ideal for hamsters who like to burrow and it's economical because it expands a lot when fluffed up. Great stuff.
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