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Old 10-03-2019, 07:37 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 187
Default Re: Parents upset that I got new cage for hamster

Hi Hollyblossom, welcome to the forum.

I'm sorry to hear about your parents and understand you have tried your best. Please try to avoid arguing with them or being too upset with them, because they just have a different viewpoint and they may not be able to understand.

Serendipity has a good line of reasoning that you can use, do emphasise to your parents that you wish to learn and take up responsibilities. They can think of it as a good avenue for you to shape your character to be a more responsible person, and you may try to explain it is a form of entertainment for you, much like how people splurge on clothes/makeup/movies/food. The money is well spent as it is money for your wellbeing (it makes you happy and it also motivates you to earn more, and it helps you to learn how to manage your finances and manage the care of a little creature etc.) I'm sure your parents care about you, so focus your reasons on YOU and what she does for YOU, instead of what you can do for her.

Of course, in reality we focus on what we can do for our hamsters instead of the other way round, but you may need to resort to such arguments to convince your parents to let you do as you wish.

My husband said something to me that really struck me very, very deeply. "It's a life". However small she may be, she is still a life. So kudos for making a difference to another life. Plus, they are in fact very intelligent creatures with their own feelings and thoughts. They have very strong, distinctive personalities! I feel that it is absolutely cruel if someone is aware about the feelings and needs of their pet but does not provide for them although they are able to.

Of course, I don't think your parents are cruel, it's just that they are unaware. Again, just try to avoid conflict with them, but at the same time, stay firm and work subtly on getting them to understand.

And you are not cruel either because you really have tried your best but sometimes, you are just not able to, because your parents don't understand her needs.

I've heard of people training their hamsters to do tricks like stand on command, etc. Maybe you could watch Youtube videos and try to train her, then your parents will realise she does have a brain, enough to understand commands.

Last edited by 10Minutes; 10-03-2019 at 07:42 PM.
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