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Old 09-26-2019, 01:01 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Sep 2019
Posts: 11
Default Re: Need some advice asap


This is late, so i'm not sure whether this will help, but hibernation in hamsters is not normal! It is called torpor, and it can be fatal. I don't know much about it so there will be a link to a page at the bottom, but the basic facts are that when your hamster gets too cold, their body "shuts down" to preserve heat, and if this is not treated it is fatal. I would go see a vet, another possibility if this happen regularly, is that your hamster might have a genetic problem of some kind. Either way, I would go see a vet.

Hope this helped!

p.s your hamster should be kept at a tempertature of around 65-75 degress farenheit, their cage shouldn't really be on the floor as it is colder, and the cage should be away from drafts. I would also recommend gettting a heating pad that's safe for hamsters just in case (or diy it with a hot water bottle or hand warmer wrapped in towel/s, my personal recommendation is just having a small animal gfirst aid kit.

heating pad -

(there may be other ones but this is the one i have)

torpor information -

these are only two sources I have used, there are more

hamster first aid kit
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