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Old 09-26-2019, 06:29 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Older hamster not eating his food

I am pretty sure loxicam is Metacam (just a brand name). I would give it to him. Did the vet explain the dosage - it’s a tiny amount - about 2 drops usually but measured in a 1 ml syringe. I can’t remember the dose our last Syrian had and it goes on their weight but it was about 2 drops worth!

Hammies tolerate Metacam very well. It’s the equivalent to ibuprofen for humans. My feeling is it will help him a lot with any toothache or arthritis. You could see how he goes for a couple of weeks. It doesn’t affect their heart. I believe long term it can affect kidneys but we’re talking about an older hamster.

Personally I wouldn’t give the antibiotics either. Antibiotics for tooth infections only work temporarily and the infection comes back and it’s more likely to be toothache from decay which pain relief will help with. But that is just my personal opinion. From what you describe it sounds like an arthritic jaw - painful to open his mouth. Although - a tooth abscess could also cause a painful jaw - the pain can be all over the place. Best solution for a tooth abscess is tooth extraction though (if they know which tooth is the culprit).

I would try the Metacam for a couple of weeks first and see if it makes any difference to his general activity or eating. Most older hammies need soft food by this age for one reason or another and keeping them happy and comfortable is the priority really. 2 is a very great age!
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