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Old 09-19-2019, 10:49 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Sep 2019
Posts: 5
Question Tank for Hamsters?

Hi all.

I'm thinking of delving into rodent keeping, starting, probably, with hamsters. Originally, I was thinking of moving the fish I have in a 96l (long) tank to an understocked 200l and using that for my first hamster. Dimensions are 90x30x38cm (LxDxH). It has a lid, but I'd probably change it for wire mesh or something. Are there any species that are better suited to a rank? Dwarf hammy, maybe?

Would the tank be OK? Obviously it would have to dry out first, but it'll be a few weeks/months before I'm in a position to get a hamster anyway.

I know I'd need substrate (what's the best type to get?), an exercise wheel, a food dish, a water bottle, toys. Am I forgetting anything?

Anything else I need to know to care for a hamster?


A complete newbie.
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