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Old 09-15-2019, 12:27 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Sep 2019
Location: Guelph, Ontario
Posts: 1
Default Beginner Hamster Owner-Russian Dwarf Hamster! How much food and water does she need?

Hello Everyone!

I just got my a Russian Dwarf Hamster yesterday and was wondering how much food I should be giving her, and what food I should use. I currently have Oxbow and The Power of 5 food pellets. When I bought the food, I was told to give her about a tablespoon of food everyday, and to mix in some veggies such as broccoli. However since I have pelleted food, I'm a bit unsure for how much to give since it doesn't exactly fit into a spoon like other mixes would. I gave her 3-4 Pellets (about 1cm x 1cm each) of The Power of 5 yesterday, along with a tiny bit of broccoli and very little walnuts since they are high in fat. By the time I had woken up , she had eaten everything, so I am not sure if I should be giving her more.

I also haven't really seen her drink water. She goes up to the spout of the water bottle once in a while, but she doesn't really seem to drink from it. I gave her some cucumber since it is mostly water because I was worried she might be dehydrated, and she finished it all as well. Should I consider switching to a bowl of water? I know they can get very dirty, but I am worried she may not drink from the bottle.

I have done a lot of research before and after buying her, but I have seen so many different answers. I'm hoping someone here can help me, I just want the best for her!
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