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Old 09-14-2019, 06:14 AM  
Ria P
House of Hamsters
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Wiltshire, UK
Posts: 7,103
Default Odd looking hamster

Been to a p@h to buy a bottle for my bin cage diy project because i've always fancied making one from surplus hamster stuff and things from the kitchen.

Anyway, never manage to walk past the hamsters and saw that odd looking hamster in the adoption section. He was "labelled" as a Russian dwarf.

He got up, had a drink, looked at me and pawed at the tank. I did not take a photo because i do not want to get attached and "odd" has always appealed to me.

He has a white belly, mousy shaped head, red eyes, the fawn colouring of my Robo and a dorsal stripe down his back. He seemed fairly long in the body.

What kind of hamster could he be?

He's called Harold which isn't a good sign because Harold and Maude is my favourite movie.

Now i must go and try to forget about Harold because i already have two hamsters
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