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Old 07-15-2019, 10:55 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 1
Default Hamster Question from a newbie!

Hello there,

I'm brand new to the whole hamster world thing. Sorry to jump straight into a question but I'm trying to plan in advance for something and hoped that someone here might help me.

I haven't a hamster yet, but I am about to get one (there's a poor thing in a pet shop that is given no space and I feel the need to get her out of there). I have a large space for them, enough money to be sure they're well fed or can go to the vet, and I've been doing a lot of reasearch on their needs.

The problem is I hear travelling with them can be very traumatic for them, and every two weeks or so (give or take) I need to travel a short distance (half an hour to and hour journey depending on traffic) to care for a disabled relative, this often requires stays overnight, or up to three days. As a result I would like to bring the hamster with me and set up a second home in my relatives house. (again I have more than enough space in my relatives house to keep them there, along with their permission).

These trips are unavoidable, would they be too stressful for the poor thing? Is there anything I could do to make them easier?

Thank you for your time, and any advice you can offer.
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