Thread: Meet Ragna
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Old 07-13-2019, 12:13 AM  
Adult Hamster
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 385
Default Re: Meet Ragna

Originally Posted by Coco61 View Post
No. No need to rush into ordering any more substrate yet. I use Fitch and tear up pieces of white unscented toilet paper for Maestro to find and take into his nest himself.
Ragna will be peeing somewhere but don't be tempted to remove all his bedding and substrate in 2 weeks time hunting for his pee spot. It may well be buried a bit. If you remove everything in 2 weeks, then just as he has settled in and scented his house, along comes a big bad human and removes everything familiar. Remember they have poor eyesight and rely on smell and then hearing. I don't spot clean daily. It may not be popular to say so, but why? They love their smell. Every 2/3 days is good enough. In the heat maybe 2 days but go slowly as he settles in. My lovely Mocho used a potty from the start bless him and I had to get used to my current boy Maestro ignoring both sand baths in his cage. He has a two roomed house ( see Rodipet) and chooses to use the outer room as his en suite bathroom and also stores some food there too. Yuk. That is the only place I have to clean out. I check his nest room occasionally but I do not change it that often. Very stressful for him. I apologise for any cleaning, as he comes to check out what I am doing, by giving him a special nut treat I have waiting specially. The rest of his cage is fine and has been for months. He does not burrow but uses the tunnels and hides and shelves in the cage. So I can keep an eye on things and only remove and replace a little Fitch when I feel an area needs it. Be patient, Ragna is probably peeing a bit here and there. He will settle on a favourite place soon enough. Then put some of the smelly Fitch into the potty and put it into the chosen corner/spot. If you are lucky Ragna will get the hint. If not, in the end your nose will lead you to his chosen place! The sniff test! Then you can deal with it, but not daily.
Thanks so much for the reassurance. Will leave him be. Thanks, feel a lot better about it. Will wait till next week and do the sniff test. Who knows...he might have moved into his house by then. When I find the pee will move his toilet there. Thanks again Coco for the advice.
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