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Old 07-05-2019, 09:20 AM  
Ria P
House of Hamsters
Join Date: Mar 2019
Location: Wiltshire, UK
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Default Re: Playpen and space

I bought two lots of the Trixie metal panels play pen which came in handy when i was taming Henry. It was big enough to put his then smaller cage base in and for me to sit in it. I was able to handle Henry and let him walk on my legs while he was within sniffing distance of his home but still within a safe environment. The metal panels don't work for every hamster but are fine for a hamster like Henry who would rather sit and sulk than make the effort to try and climb over a panel to get out. I can now use individual panels to secure certain areas in the house that are off limits for hamsters.
First time i put Henry on my bed he freaked and froze so i put him back in his cage and tried again a few days later. Depending on his mood he could be running all over the bed and use me as a climbing frame or he'd just sit next to me and look huffy.
He has taken to free roaming in a room i've checked inch by inch for any potential hamster hazards plus i keep a close eye at him. I had to transport him in an empty handbag the other night because he gets so wriggly and excited.
I let him loose on the kitchen counter to get the pea photo a couple of nights ago and he really enjoyed that. He rearranged my spice rack, tried to get into the washing up bowl and stopped to eat a basil leaf en route to the kitchen sink.
I also let him roam on the futon amongst pillows and a blanket but he's on a mission to jump off the futon nowadays or climbs up the back.
A lot will depend on your hamster, some like to get out of the cage daily and others don't. I think it is important to give the hamster the opportunity to spend time time outside the cage but i don't know how it works with cats and their smell because Henry is an only, very spoilt pet.
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