Thread: Hey!
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Old 06-26-2019, 04:00 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 1
Smile Hey!


I'm Ray and I'm from the UK. I'm the owner of one hamster currently (along with 2 gerbils and a dog). My hamster is called Peter and he's a short-haired Syrian hamster. I think that I'm fairly educated on hamster care but I'm always willing to learn something new. Since I'm younger I don't really have too much money to look after my pets and rely on a weekend job to provide for them (my parents don't look after them or pay for them), but I try my best and all my pets seem to be happy and healthy.

Peter is currently in the Ferplast Hamster Cage Criceti 100, which has approximately 838sq inches of floor space. He has a Trixie 28cm wheel, a sand bath, plenty of chews, hides and toys. There is also a large box in his enclosure which contain approximately 8 inches of bedding for him to burrow in. I think he has everything he needs and he is let out of his cage and handled frequently but I am open to suggestions as to how to improve on his care.

Last edited by souffle; 06-26-2019 at 04:53 AM.
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