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Old 06-04-2019, 07:44 AM  
Adult Hamster
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 385
Default Re: Holes in bin cage not mesh and correct size

Thank you to both of you for your feedback. I was basing the size on what I read up on the internet. Gaging from your sizes the average size of 450 inches that they give on the internet is then not big enough?

Drilling holes as you say wont be a good idea - giggle! Totally get where you are coming from in terms of drilling so many holes there wont be a lid left. We have our aircon on between 23 and 24 degrees - will that be ok?

I read in one of the threads on this forum that the biggest bin from IKEA which comes from the SAMLA bin range is ok. The dimensions are 78cmx56cmx43cm - this then would be too small?

What is the minimum size that can be used for a syrian and dwarf hamster? If you used levels would that not double the floor space that the hamster can move around in?

Thank you for your input - really appreciate it.
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