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Old 04-30-2019, 07:04 AM  
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Default Re: Used hamster cage?

Hi David,

Sorry this might be a bit late because the ad isn't up anymore but most cages are very easily disinfected and prepped for a new hamster if they're used. Plastic and metal just need a scrub with a pet safe cleaner or even just white vinegar and water.

Wooden toys/accessories might be more difficult, especially if you don't know if the ham who used them before was ill and could potentially transfer something to your hamster. Some things you can soak and dry off but it depends on the kind of wood and how it's been sealed. Other bits you could bake in the oven to kill any germs or bugs but again, depends on the kind of wood.

That cage brand new is £35 just FYI so you're possibly not getting a great deal here. You would need to see the condition/ suitability of the wheel since it could be some rubbish pets at home job that you're going to need to replace anyway.
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