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Old 04-25-2019, 09:28 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 1
Default Lots of questions: George and Martha (Chinese)

Okay this might be a lot at once but I’m gonna go for it anyway.


I purchased two hams from a pet store on Feb 22, 2019. The store owner called them Chinese hamsters and said they were social and loved to be together. Thus far, this has been accurate. I’ve had them for 9 weeks now, and they do everything together- eat, sleep, play, even share a wheel when there is two for them to use. They have a good sized bucket cage and we’re currently working on an addition. 8/10 times I check on them they are cuddling, occasionally they’ll be separated but not often. I measured both today and they’re around 4inches. I’m assuming they’re a minimum of 12 weeks old, because they’ve only grown slightly since I got them.

I stumbled across an article last night saying that Chinese hams can become very territorial and can even fight to the death. Obviously I want to avoid that, but it seems premature to separate them when they are showing zero signs of aggression (tho I am going to purchase a pet cam for nights to make 100% sure)

Im not sure on the sex of either so I’ll take them to the vet to check (I’ll also post pictures if anyone has an idea)

So here are my questions:

1. Are these guys for sure Chinese hams?
2. Can you tell the sex?
3. Should I separate them if they get along, and seem to enjoy each others company?
4. If they are gonna get territorial, what age would that be? In months
5. Has anyone successfully housed two Chinese hams together?

Keep in mind, they came as a pair- and are quite possibly siblings.

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