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Old 04-25-2019, 03:41 AM  
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Default Re: Does anyone have experience with bloated hamster

I'm sorry to hear your hammy is unwell.
It sounds like a pyometra or womb infection and at her age and in her weakened condition it sounds as if it may be time to ask her if she wants to keep fighting or if she has had enough. Setting her free is a great gift.
In my experience pyo is never curable with antibiotics. You can get a brief remission but it always returns in full force and giving rest before this is a great gift.
It's nothing to do with your care or hygene and can happen to a female of any age. It's just bad luck. Females come in to heat every few days which means they are much more likely to get bacteria able to move up in to the womb and start an infection. Bugs are everywhere always. As they get older they are less able to fight them off.
Look at you little ones quality of life and what the future holds and decide if you would want to keep fighting. I have never had a female recover from a pyo. Unless they are young and relatively fit and you have a spay operation with no complications then a pyometra is very serious and my choice is always to give rest before they become critical.
I hope her path is gentle whichever road it takes. You have done a wonderful job in caring for her and giving her the best chance and my heart is with you x
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