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Old 04-04-2019, 07:20 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 5
Default Re: Help me chose a toy?

Originally Posted by alpacassei View Post
Russian dwarfs (yours will be a hybrid not a pure Campbells) need atleast 70 x 40cm of continuous floor space. I’m not sure what cage are available in Brazil but you should be able to find a storage bin large enough that you could convert into a cage. Unfortunately even with a playpen, being in a small cage causes serious stress and cage aggression.

For actual toys, I recommend bendy bridges, cork tunnels, and Apple wood chews but without a large enough cage, its difficult to add enough toys and hides to create a stimulating environment
Hello! Yeah, he might be a hybrid because he come from a pet shop!
I talked with my mom about toys and play pens and she's searching for things she can convert into a big cage. We're currently searching for something like a cradle but with narrow grid gap. We are probably going to convert it into the hamster full time cage, or at least most of the time (because we will need a lot of bedding XD). I'm excited to see Rasputin running around, though he is very lazy when I'm awake.

Thank you for taking the time for answering
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