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Old 03-30-2019, 10:26 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 5
Question Help me chose a toy?

Hello again fellow hamster lovers!
I would like to know your opinion on hamster toys. You see, I live in Brazil and there are very few options of national hamster toys for me to buy. I checked on american amazon and the shipping expenses were a NO NO (for example, the toy was 10$ but the shipping was 40$!!!!! Can you believe those abusive taxes?)
I thought of ordering from Chinese websites but the items might arrive in 4 months, and I don't even know if my hamster will be alive by then...
I want to know if there's anyone in the same situation as me, and what you did to buy your pet some toys?
So, below are my only options from national stores. Could you give your opinion on which one is better?

This one was my favourite so far. It's small and looks fun. I need small toys because my house has no space. The price is $55. Do you think it's worth it?

This one is actually a cage, but it has toys in it. The price is 35$. The cage seems to be too big for my house though

Same price, 35$, but I can barely see what's inside. The seller just had this picture. Reviews are 2 five stars and one 1 star.

Which one should I pick?
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