Thread: Hi
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Old 03-26-2019, 09:14 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 2
Default Hi

So I'm still actually at the stage of considering buying a Syrian hamster. Not something I think you should ever rush into with any pet, so I'm taking my time and trying to gain as much knowledge as I can before taking the plunge. Have decided to go for the Savic Plaza cage. Seems well liked among experienced owners and it clearly offers a lot of space. Would definitely like some advice on bedding. I live in a one bedroom flat, and the hamster would be in my living room with me, so odour control will be VERY important for me. I've read that wood pulp bedding would be good for this. Is that true, or would you recommend something better? Cost is also a concern for me too. I'd like to keep costs down where I can without compromising on giving the hamster the best environment that I can. Also on the subject of bedding, before coming here, my research led me to believe that a full bedding change and cage clean should be done once a week, but on this forum I've read people saying that needs to actually be done much less than that. Could I get some clarification there? If a full change doesn't actually need to be done very much, then perhaps I'm over estimating how much bedding will cost me over time? I owned a bearded dragon for a few years about 10 years ago, so I'm used to keeping animals in tanks/cages and cleaning it etc. I guess this time around I wanted something simpler, cheaper to keep, and without the live locusts! I've compiled a "to buy" list for before I pick myself up a hamster to go live in the cage. I'll post below so anyone can let me know if I've missed anything?

Plaza cage
nesting material (toilet or kitchen paper is apparently OK?)
12" silent (ideally!) wheel (will I need a smaller one at first?)
food bowl
exercise ball for outside cage play
water bottle
dustpan and brush for spot cleaning, any overspill of substrate & cage cleaning
travel tank/cage (I like my holidays, so once or twice a year may need to take my hamster to board somewhere while I'm away)

I think that's it for now! Sorry if I've gone on a bit, but I like to try and be thorough when it comes to keeping any kind of animal.

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