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Old 03-22-2019, 08:47 PM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: Multiple hamster owners: where do you keep your cages?

I only have two hamsters, so not multiple really. They are only in separate rooms because we planned to do some renovation work so Newt started out in a downstairs bedroom rather than the living room. The work didn't get done lol - so when we got Nugget he went into the living room. I would have them both in the living room but they don't like change and being moved and if we ever get the work done Nugget will need to be moved to another room so might as well leave Newt where he is.

But - if they were both in the same room, a coffee table is sometimes good for stacking two cages, if it's tall enough - one on top and one underneath on the floor.

Have you already got the detolf and Kallax unit? The one underneath would need to be something with a front opening door like the Hamster Heaven.
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