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Old 03-22-2019, 03:24 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 25
Default Re: Multiple hamster owners: where do you keep your cages?

Originally Posted by EmmaAndChester View Post
You could convert the kallax into a cage, if you were feeling up to it. The 4 x 2 kallax, even when converted into an enclosure, can hold the weight of a detolf perfectly fine. I've attached an (outdated) pic of two of my enclosures; both hold dwarf hamsters, if you were wondering. I usually have 4-5 hamsters (3-4 dwarfs, only ever 1 syrian) in this room at any one time. There's an 8ft long syrian set up to the right of the kallax, and beside that there's another dwarf set-up. The only issue I had is when we had a mite outbreak; it spread like wildfire.

I've never had any problems keeping opposite sex dwarf hamsters in close proximity, but when I did keep multiple syrians, I've found that having a female drove the male crazy - and they were opposite sides to another, but that's just been my experience.

eta; my current dwarf hamsters are four female winter whites (so all same species, same sex) but I have had opposite-sex-same-species in the past, and never had any problems with the dwarf hamsters; just the syrians.
That's an amazing set-up! I have seen some amazing Ikea furniture hacks and would definitely like to (hire someone to lol) build one when I'm in a mortgaged home. But as I am renting at the moment, swapping around as I please, I am sticking to fairly light-weight cages and just solid furniture to keep them on (I'm going to be getting a Duna Maxi Multy for a Syrian, and probably for a Dwarf too if I do decide to get one).

I am just really anticipating my Syrian to be born and as a result I am daydreaming of having a pair of hammies, but tbh I'm sure once he arrives I will be more than content with just him! It's great to see how people lay out their cages, though, as I know somewhere down the line I will definitely definitely be tempted
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