Thread: Taming Help
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Old 03-01-2019, 05:39 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 165
Default Taming Help

Ok, so I let my Syrian hamster settle into its enclosure for 5 days and after 3 days in that time period I began to talk to my hamster when he was out but had to do it in the dark because when any light (including red) would be turned on he would freeze until the lights were switched on again. I talked to him just to get him used to my voice, I was whispering but still when I started talking he would frantically run across the cage out of fear. I knew he was shy but I didn't know it was this extreme.

Anyway, after the 5 days, I fed him some treats out of my hands with gloves which he seemed okay with but he doesn't dare step on my hand and will only take it out of my fingers. I tried feeding him on the hand after I put him in a box outside the cage so he wasn't so territorial in his own cage but that made up him more nervous and began to make a little repetitive clicking noise and was clearly stressed. Now I can feed him out of my fingertips, only with gloves and that's lucky if he doesn't sprint across the cage which only my past Robo has done, and nothing else. I really want to try and tame him but he seems so nervous and I don't want to give him a stressful illness. He's going on his wheel a lot and I know that's a sign of stress. What should I do? Have I made a mistake? Is this hamster never going to be tamed?
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