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Old 02-08-2019, 05:30 AM  
Hamster Overlord
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Herefordshire
Posts: 630
Question Zoozone water bottle?

Well it's been a few years since I was here! I have recently taken on a rescue syrian as a foster, our pet shop owner asked me to have her as she had been put on Preloved by her owner who wanted her gone as she bit not only her a few times which she said she didn't mind so much but then bit her 6yr old, her first home she was bought as a present for a 2yr old! She's only a youngster but I am already her 3rd 'owner' and if she was in a pet shop after a breeder that makes 5 homes! She was in a very small cage so I told them to keep it and have put her in one of my Alexander cages. The new owner has the choice of keeping her in that or borrowing my Zoozone, I've given her pros and cons of both and think she'll go for the Zoozone as it's easier but I need suggestions for the water bottle. I last had dwarf hammies in there and we used one of those thick cardboard chews with a hole in which worked perfectly, I tried that in the Alexander and Lily Mai not only pushed it over within 2 mins so I wedged it in but has chewed the top of the bottle, it also leaked lots but that could be a bottle fault and not due to her. I can just see her chewing through the cardboard and the bottle! She is due to go to her new home in a couple of weeks and I want to get her settled in the Zoozone as soon as possible.
Thank you.
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