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Old 01-18-2019, 03:05 PM  
Little Miss Tinytoes
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Default Re: cheap bedding in bulk

Yes it is around that much. Unfortunately filling a cage from scratch will always be expensive, especially in a larger cage. It's not really worth using a bedding you're not 100% happy with either as it'll be in there for a very long time! Personally I prefer to mix beddings with deeper bedding as otherwise it can struggle to hold burrows. But lots of people do manage with just one. You can mix hay in too, that helps even more. Just make sure it is relatively soft and no really spiky bits or anything.

Clean and cozy 85L, £25 off amazon. 100L of Hugro hemp off zooplus for £20 - it is really nice but is obviously not a paper bedding. If you're getting some items off zooplus then I think it would be worth getting. Megazorb is 85L at varying prices but the last bag I just got was a bit dusty - but megazorb and hemp mixes really nicely. Although hemp will mix nicely with anything really so you could just get some kind of wood shavings for the rest of it as that's cheap. Fitch actually do packs of 3 or 4 4kg bags but it's not particularly cheap. I wouldn't bother with carefresh at all, there are better beddings.

By the way you need the density of it to get to the volume - wish fitch would just put their sizes in volume form - but they do give an estimate of the dimensions for the 4kg bales, and for the larger sizes they have been measured by people before on the forum. So you can kind of get an estimate of the number of litres, but it is compressed.
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