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Old 01-08-2019, 10:44 AM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: What should I be feeding my hamster?

Some American sites are a bit negative about Hazel Hamster but it's quite good - it is sugar free, has variety, whole peanuts in and hasall the required nutrients and vitamins. The discussion is usually about the protein as in the US it says 16% whereas in the Uk it says 18% - when the mix is identical - it is to do with different countries requirements as to how to express the content. So the protein level is fine - but doesn't do any harm to supplement with the odd fresh protein treat (eg mealworms, a shelled brazil nut etc). Also they need a little bit of fresh veg every day - just a piece the size of your thumbnail - broccoli, carrot and cucumber are all fine but there are many more safe veg.

Oxbow isn't really a good diet for a hamster - various reasons.
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