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Old 01-02-2019, 10:12 AM  
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Default Goodbye Treacle!

My 2019 is off to a sad start – Treacle has sadly passed away peacefully in her sleep yesterday evening.

I didn’t expect to find Treacle have already passed – as she showed no signs earlier in the day when she was out and out her cage being her usual self – had a run on her wheel , chewed her whimzee plus we even had a cuddle (didn’t realise it would be our last). Early evening when I got Liquorice out for her playtime – Treacle was out like usual as she would come out if she heard me calling Liquorice out for playtime – still everything appeared fine with her.

Upon getting ready for bed – gave both my girls there evening treats. That’s when I noticed Liquorice wasn’t behaving like her usual self – instead of demanding cuddles she seemed a little reserved and disappeared off with her treats. So continued to get ready for bed, then I noticed Treacle hadn’t touched her treats – so called her name and had no response (usually she would come when called) , so rustled her bedding a little and still nothing. That’s when I began to worry and think the worse. Did think to just leave her but it didn’t feel right so decided to move her shelf that she was sleeping beneath. That’s when I discovered that Treacle had already gone. My heart instantly shattered although gratefully she went peacefully in her sleep of old age.

I am still finding it very difficult to come to term that Treacle is no longer in my life – I knew when I adopted her that she was an elderly lady so was gratefully for getting to spend 4months and 2 days with her – as I never knew her exact age. She helped me to stay strong when Maple was ill and then helped me to smile again after losing Maple. Treacle was a truly special girl – just wish she could have spent longer with me as I loved having her in my life with her huge personality. I am so pleased that I got to spoil her with lots of gifts this Christmas it just a shame that she couldn’t have enjoyed them for longer.
Eventhough she passed of old age and peacefully in her sleep it’s still extremely difficult to come to terms with as you always have those “what if…” thoughts!


To my darling Treacle,
Wish I could still cuddle and spoil you now as I’m so deeply upset that my precious girl is no longer with me. I’m pleased that I could show you what a true loving home is and I would have done everything for you. You huge personality was so endearing you could always put a smile on my face with your happiness and your joy about life. You were with me when I needed you the most – after Maple sudden decline in health – but were there to reinstall the smile on my face when needed and I can never thank you enough for that! Just wish that you could have spent longer with me as I miss you so dearly!
Thanks also for re-installing my love for Russians – can’t believe I waited 9 years for another Russian but so grateful for you being yourself. Love every second of the time we spent together although still too short for my liking.

Missing you loads, but don't worry their are endless treats and whimzees at the bridge. Sending you lots of love your ways and have fun with Honey, Caramel, Cotton, Cookie, Toffee, Sherbet, Pumpkin and Maple!


It never gets easier saying goodbye – lost too many special individuals in the last 6 months – Pumpkin, My Grandma, Maple and now Treacle. Pleased that I’m not alone and have Liquorice to cheer me up – we had a cuddle last night after I had good cry she did try to put a smile on my face with her silly antics although my tears flooded out instead of a smile.

Play well at the bridge Treacle

Adopted on 31st August 2018 (approx. 1 year 6 months?) – 1st January 2019
Together for 4 months and 2 days.


Here are the last photo I took of Treacle enjoying her presents on Christmas day ...

And my favourite photos of my special Treacle that I will forever have to remember my darling by…

Popcorn Syrian

Owning Hamsters since Nov 2007

Last edited by SKB_Hamsters; 01-02-2019 at 11:32 AM.
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