Thread: Newt's thread
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Old 11-26-2018, 03:41 PM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
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Default Re: Newt's thread

Newt is not happy with me this evening. Sigh. He is a good boy - he has been using the toilet in it's new location, so I emptied it. Unfortunately he is still peeing in its old location as well and still hoarding there. I know most of his hoard is under his nest elsewhere but he seems to have some organisation - some things get hoarded in a different place.

So I had to spot clean that area and decided to do it while he was in the cage this time as he didn't want to come out for a while last time I did it when he was out of the cage.

Unfortunately, as it's a sodden pile of substrate with intermingled hoard, I had to remove it and put new substrate in and some new food. Newt was really trying to see me off and kept sitting on it so I had to do it around him. He didn't nip me but sort of saw me off a bit with his nose.

Sigh. This started a few months ago when he started hoarding in his potty. Then it becomes an itch scratch cycle - if you take the hoard they pee on it to deter it being taken. So I then made his nest compartment larger so he had more room to nest and hoard. That worked and he does have plenty of room for nest and hoard and quite a bit of hoard in his nesting compartment. But he continued to put some in the potty and pee on it. It was after I emptied that out a while back that he made his feelings known about that and buried the potty! So I couldn't empty it.

I shall have to have a little chat with him - but he does his own thing - Charlie I managed to train not to do it by putting the new replaced hoard next to the potty. Newtie is a bit more independent!

Anyway good that he is using the potty in the new location, but will have to see what I can come up with regarding the peeing on the hoard. He is quite miffed with me tonight. And was trying to move bits out into his nest area while I was spot cleaning - so maybe the message has got through now!
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