Thread: Hi I'm new!
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Old 10-30-2018, 06:20 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Oct 2018
Posts: 5
Default Re: Hi I'm new!

Originally Posted by cypher View Post
Hi & welcome to HC
Congrats on getting Kiko.
It sounds as though she's settling in well for 5 days, the biting could be a bit of territorial behaviour if she's in the cage so I would try setting up a playpen, if possible big enough for you to sit in with her, & begin interacting out of the cage.
Put toys & things in for her to explore & let her have a run around then just begin to introduce your hands, she may start by just running over them & you can try stroking or holding her as she starts to get more confident. If you can sit in with her she may well climb on you & get more used to you that way.
Dear Cypher,

Thanks for your reply too! We have now had Kiko just over 2 weeks and things seem to be going much better. She is still very nervous and a bit all over the place but she is really keen to interact with us. She now sniffs my hand without biting (nearly all the time) and we created a playpen for her, like you suggested, in which we put a blanket that we often use - so it smells like us. She seemed to quite like it and started out very confidently - she can happily take treats from my fingers. However when I put a treat in the palm of my hand she still bites whatever comes first, which is normally my finger lol. Its not super aggressive, but enough to make me bleed. I think however this is just when she gets a little nervous. She also however has started putting her two paws onto my hand when I open her cage door, and last night while sitting in front of the cage she happily came out onto my legs had a sniff then went back in! Progress woo hoo! She then came out onto my cupped hands...then bit my finger again LOL. But we're getting there .

Thanks again for your advice!

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