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Old 10-22-2018, 02:28 PM  
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Default Re: New hamster possibly pregnant?

How is it attached? Would it be easy to quickly remove should pups arrive. If she really is a very wheely hamster she may well neglect her pups to wheel. As we know when babies are due we remove around 14 days and give a huge heap pf bedding to sort out and nest in. You can often see the nipple lines about 14 days and the females get saggy bit under the armpits as the milk glands grow. They gain weight quickly as well from 12 days.
New hamsters often do chub up when they are no longer competing for food so it could certainly be that. I find males mature more slowly and don't really know what to so always so if she was in with a brother she may not have mated. It is a case of waiting. Put the wheel in the most accessable area so you can get it out easily. If this would not be possible without a major upheaval then it will need to come out as soon as you think she is definitely pregnant. Can you post a pic of her from above at all and of her tummy if she will stand up?
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