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Old 09-22-2018, 02:08 AM  
Adult Hamster
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 304
Unhappy HELP my hamster fell down the stairs in ball

I let my hamster out last night and i forgot to close the door, when i went to check on her she was half way down the stairs, ball split in half.

One half of the ball was beside her, the other half was at the bottom of the stairs

The stairs has carpet & is fairly steep.

I'm so worried! she seemed okay, just running around & abit hyper, but my dad did tell me that he didn't hear her last night.

Usually, I hear on her on the wheel (i did move the wheel so it wasnt touching outside of the cage)(and my dad had been drinking) I did see her stand on it, so i assumed she was using it, its one of those 'silent flying saucers'

Is there anything i should look out for? I couldn't see any visible bleeding
Just more worried about internal injury
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