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Old 09-19-2018, 06:42 PM  
Newborn Pup
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Join Date: Sep 2018
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 29
Default Sand bath (For my fat fluffy Syrian!)

My hammie loves her sand bath and I notice her go into it mulitple times when shes awake (her fur smells so nice and feels so fluffy!). However, she loves to dig! And it just gets everywhere in her cage! She's also a pretty big teddy bear hamster in my opinion.. I feel like she doesn't understand that she's not as small as she thinks she is (she's escaped 3x and each time was so easy to get her cause her butt always got stuck between somewhere... my fatty cake!)

She'll dig and I'll see sand thrown into the air like 2ft. above her (lol exaggeration) 😂

So I'm looking online for a bigger sandbath for her to play in and avoid the sand scatter..
Please can someone give me a second opinion on the items I've considered buying from amazon?

Option 1:

Option 2:

Please and thank you!
Mariposa <3
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