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Old 09-16-2018, 11:15 AM  
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Default Re: Hamster sleeping on me, then being really hyper?

Originally Posted by BubbyandHamper View Post
No. I play all sorts of games with him on my iPad and he's perfectly happy, whilist on the Xbox One he's all like "Mommy what the heck are you doing, you're playing a console game? Noisy! Put me up!"

Edit: Maybe it's because all three of my console games involve noisy fighting and blowing stuff up.
It sounds like that might be the case as hamsters have far more sensitive hearing than we do and the loud noises of the fighting and explosions in your games are more likely to be the thing he dislikes rather than the fact that it's a console game instead of an iPad game.

I'd probably leave him in his cage whilst you're playing the noisy console games and perhaps get him out at a quieter time for cuddles.
Remembering The Metallica Hamsters
with Love
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