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Old 09-16-2018, 01:24 AM  
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Location: Bath, UK
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Default Re: Hamster sleeping on me, then being really hyper?

I don't know about normal Syrian behaviour as I don't keep Syrians but two of my Chinese will frequently fall asleep on me when they are sat in a certain position but won't if they're sat somewhere else so I'm wondering if it's to do with them feeling particularly relaxed when they're sat in their favourite spot and they feel safe enough to fall asleep.

As for his reactions to your playing computer games, do you play the same sort of games on your iPad than you would on a console? If so it could be the sounds of the console games that he doesn't like or if your controller vibrates or something, he may dislike that rather than the gaming itself.

There is no definite answers as to why hamsters behave in the way that they do and hamsters are so individual in what they like and dislike or why those preferences have been formed. For example one of my previous hamsters used to become very agitated during thunderstorms but yet the rest of my hamsters didn't seem to care. I wouldn't say that it was 'normal' behaviour for a Chinese to be afraid of thunderstorms but it was normal for him and I just had to accept that it was part of who he was.
Remembering The Metallica Hamsters
with Love
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