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Old 09-05-2018, 07:29 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Sep 2018
Posts: 4
Default Do girl hamsters get aggressive when on heat?

Hi everyone - I'm new to this forum, so plese be gentle with me!

As the proud new mummy of 3 dwarf hamsters I think I need a bit of advice re their behaviour. My syrian died so I decided to get dwarfs - I was only going to get 2 but there were 3 in the cage and I couldn't choose or bear to leave one behind. They have been getting along fine in their temporary home - that was until yesterday when I noticed one of them being agressive towards the other 2.

When I say agressive I mean lots of squeaking and rolling around in the substrate together.

The one who I believe is the instigator is also the one who is the least tame and she even seemed to have a go at me. My daughter was laughing at how her tail was sticking up and it made me wonder if she was on heat and if being on heat makes them more grouchy?

I am aware that if they do fight I might have to separate them and I am keeping a close eye on them

Any thoughts please?
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