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Old 08-30-2018, 07:35 PM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 23,533
Default Re: what hamster mix?

There's been a lot of debate in the past about Harry/Hazel Hamster Both are exactly the same formula but the licensing laws in different countries mean the formula is stated differently. So in the Uk it says 18% and on the US packets it says 16%. I checked all this out by writing to the manufacturers. It's a legal thing that they have to put the minimum possible amount of protein based on the way it's calculated in the US but it is actually 18% There is a lot of bad press about it which I think is unwarranted. It's a good mix and a good safe diet for a hamster - it contains all the nutrients required without supplementing and is sugar free - which is important. Not many mixes are sugar free. It may not contain some of the variety of ingredients some other mixes have but you can supplement for variety with treats, extras and veg - veg should be supplemented anyway. The pieces are a good size for Syrian hamsters and it is very popular with Syrian hamsters (ie they aren't picky with it and tend to take all of it).

In the Uk it is recommended by the National Hamster council. You can't go wrong with it really. There are other mixes that don't have the correct balance of nutrients, protein and vitamins and that takes a lot more working out to get it right.

Burgess is good too on paper but my hamster wouldn't eat it! Bunny dream is good - and I use that mixed with another mix - but - the pieces are very tiny and a lot gets left. As mentioned it takes quite a bit of working out if they don't eat all of a mix. The Rodipet mixes have very good ingredients and they have a new organic mix - their mixes are lower in protein than most so I supplement it - however the Germans use this mix and don't have any problems - but they probably supplement too.

Harry Hamster is now called Tiny Friends Harry Hamster (used to be supreme) - it's based in the Uk where it's manufactured so they know the percentages of what is in it. There was also a rumour on the internet about it containing BHA and BHT - which is not the case - it doesn't.

Anyway - your hammy will be fine with it! It's a very popular hamster food and recommended for Syrian hamsters by the National Hamster council for a number of reasons - size of pieces (easier for them), containing all the nutrients and vitamins required, correct protein and no sugar. There are some food colourings listed but I wouldn't worry about that.

It is also important to supplement with some fresh food and they do love fresh food! A small piece of veg each day (broccoli, cucumber and carrot are the three I tend to rotate), the occasional bit of plain cooked chicken, beef or any other meat - ie if you've had a roast that week - but no gravy sauces or spices so roasted meat best. I also give the occasional nut as a supplement/treat which always goes down well - shelled walnut, brazil nut, plain unsalted cashew nut, pecan nut. I give half a brazil nut a week - its supposed to be very good for the immune system and is also additional protein. I give a nut most nights but mostly it gets pouched and hoarded so they don't eat too much. Half a walnut goes down a storm and our hammy often begs for another one!

Versele Laga looks good but doesn't have the right balance of nutrients and protein and has sugar in. It's not generally recommended on here as a main hamster mix. I don't know much about the Johnson's one.
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