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Old 08-30-2018, 05:51 PM  
The Hamtologist
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Default Re: what hamster mix?

Originally Posted by SergeantZoo View Post
Mr. Johnson’s Supreme Hamster and Gerbil, Versele Laga, Bunny Dream foods, and Burgess are all great quality foods. Some may require protein boosters though.

I heard Harry is no longer recommended because it has been said to have the exact same formula as Hazel (which isn’t recommended either). Hazel has too low protein to be fed on its own and it also lacks variety.
Hazel hamster has plenty of protein for an adult Syrian. Hamsters aren’t naturally carnivorous creatures. Their natural diets consist mainly of grains, seeds, and grasses. There’s often far too much emphasis on protein in a syrian’s diet when things like fiber are overlooked, yet fiber is equally, if not more important than protein. Hazel/Harry hamster isn’t the best food on the market, but it is still suitable, and something I would recommend to an owner who doesn’t have a lot of foods available.

As for the OP’s question, the people in this thread (especially Cypher) have already given you good recommendations. My general advice for choosing a food is

-preferably organic
-as few dyes as is possible
-no preservatives
-large variety
-good nutrition
-high quality

As long as your food can hit those marks, then I’d generally say it is sufficient to use. Best wishes!
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