Thread: Newt's thread
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Old 08-27-2018, 02:43 PM  
Hamster Antics
Join Date: Sep 2014
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Default Re: Newt's thread

Newtie is still actively enjoying coming out some nights. A few nights ago, knowing I would be doing a cage clean in the next day or two, I let him loose on an apple on the sofa. I piece cut out to get him started. I've always said he is like a hoover but he completely gnawed away at that apple! Pouched most of it but I wasn't worried about it going off in the hoard as had the partial cage clean planned.

He has been losing fur in the last couple of months - maybe the weather and moulting and maybe his age, but I'm keeping an eye on it - he has a couple of bald patches near his scent glands and losing some fur on his face and a little bit behind his ears - but he seems active and healthy. He and his brothers are in their 70s now in human terms I reckon

The cage clean took longer than I planned yesterday (I had set up Charlie's old holiday cage for him while I messed about with his Barney cage because unlike Charlie he doesn't like being in the pet carrier and doesn't go to sleep in it). It was mainly a substrate change - which hasn't been done for erm - quite a few months apart from some spot cleaning. The bottom of the cage at one end was mostly hoard at the bottom. But I did cut a new hemp mat for the top of his house (he hated it when I took it off in the summer and didn't like the smooth wood top). And decided to put the house on legs again and raise it a bit. Short legs. OH cut 4cm off the bottom of the Rodipet legs so it's a better height. And also sawed out the mini compartment inside so he has a bigger area for nesting.

Poor Newtie looked very worried when I retrieved him from the holiday cage. He had kept coming to the bars and wanting to come out (it was in a different room so he worried less!) And his ears were down. However he seemed very happy when back in his cage and busied himself checking everything and foraging for hidden snacks, then went in his house and seems to have dug a hole down again! I shall have to see how the raised house goes. It didn't work when he was a baby as he just hid under the house all the time and it got messy and the potty subsided. But he's older now and I thought he might appreciate some nice deep soft bedding in there for winter to burrow down in.

Tonight he was wanting to come out and very active - he seemed quite happy and energetic but I think he's a little bit stressed by the minor changes but he'll be fine in a day or so.

Anyway here is Newt massacring the apple

Attachment 46291

Attachment 46292

Attachment 46293

Attachment 46294

Attachment 46295

Last edited by Pebbles82; 11-27-2022 at 06:41 PM.
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