I've been looking at different mixes for a little while now and thought I'd do a quick table comparing some of them. I've only compared the protein, fat and fibre contents and put in whether or not the mix has high sugar content ingredients. If anyone has any information on other mixes which I can add to it please let me know

I have only added mixes that are in the UK, I can do a separate US one but will need some help finding the info
The ‘sugar’ column only matters when buying a mix for a diabetes prone hamster, the high sugar content foods in mixes are usually corn and peas which can be taken out (there's loads of topics on this in the Feeding/Nutrition forum). Ensure to check the ingredients though as some also contain molasses. RatRations sell a dwarf mix (Dwarf Hamster Basic) which is sugar free but I haven’t listed it as the protein fat and fibre contents aren’t listed on the website.
Mr Johnson’s Supreme Hamster and Gerbil Mix – the only online information I could find was for this product, most places seem to sell the ‘Amos’ range and I can’t confirm whether they are the same product or not.
Beaphar do not provide any information regarding protein, fat or fibre levels but from what I’ve seen they all contain corn, peas and other high sugar content foods.
I couldn’t find protein, fat or fibre contents for the following mixes which are sold on a few online stores:
Quiko Sunny Greens Hamster Food
Quiko Sunny Greens Dwarf Hamsters Gerbils & Mouse Food
Mayfield Hamster Food