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Old 08-27-2006, 03:52 PM  
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Thanks for the suggestion racinghamster. I already had it planned out in my mind how I wanted to go about constructing it, I just needed some help, but it seems we were on the same track! My father in-law has been responsible for the construction of all my bin cages and little rodent projects, since he’s the carpenter around the house and all the tools id need are his lol.

My idea was to make a platform with legs much like a table so that I could still see underneath the platform. Its worked out really well. You can see what we did in the picture below.

As you can see the platform allowed me to switch water bottles so I didn’t have to tape that other one to the side of the tank. We have a bit of a guard rail to encourage Gwen to use the ramp we made for her. My father in law had the good idea of putting wood behind an old ladder, so there is no danger of her feet getting stuck but so that she can climb easily.

She seems to love it!
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