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Old 08-11-2018, 01:04 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 42
Default Re: Syrian has crooked foot! Please help!

Originally Posted by dreamtree1234 View Post
I'm sorry that your darling hammy has a crooked foot. I would suggest you taking him to the vet just to be sure that he will be alright. Hammies are excellent at hiding their discomfort or any potential health issues since they are prey animals that try their best not to appear vulnerable to any potential predators in the wild. As a result, I always think it is much better to be thoroughly sure and have him be seen by a vet rather than wonder what could have caused this and whether there may be anything that you can do to help make his life easier due to his crooked foot. It could have been a result of a birth defect or possibly an injury that he sustained while in the pet store or since he came home with you. I'm so sorry that I could not be of any more help. I will be wishing you and your little Syrian ham all the best though. Good luck and keep us updated if you have the chance.
I will keep y'all updated!
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