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Old 08-07-2018, 05:06 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: May 2018
Location: Swindon
Posts: 11
Default Phaistos sadly didn't make it

Phaistos had been sick for a while, the last month she had been going to vet weekly to check on her condition, the vet was unable to do any kind of diagnostics on her and treated for quality of life. We had seen the vet on Sunday, who saw she was active, looked well, no wet tail, bright eyes, and decided that she was managing okay.

Phaistos succumbed to her illness yesterday. She was loved for her whole short life and we did everything we could for her. She died peacefully in her sleep right after taking her medicine like the good ham she was.

We really thought she would make it, we thought she could have 6 months at least, but it wasn't to be.

Here are some pictures from the good times:

Phaistos you can't sleep there!

The hamster surveys her kingdom

I fell down the stairs and badly hurt my ankle and foot, while I was on crutches she was a great therapy ham

Anyone want a brew?

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