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Old 08-04-2018, 09:28 AM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Devon, UK
Posts: 60
Default Unexpected dwarf rescue, separate or no?

Yesterday I saw a post on Facebook from some girl I knew years ago when I was like 14. She put a post up saying she didn't want her 2 dwarf hamsters anymore and asked if anyone would take them. I messaged her, and she told me she'd ran out of substrate and food and had no money to buy any more. So I took them because they came with their cage and I obviously have substrate and dwarf food here already so at least I can clean and feed them.
The problem is, they're being housed together in a really small, strangely shaped cage. (Savis Spelos XL Entry, which is absolutely not XL) it has no room in it for me to give them any toys at all. I am DEFINITELY going to be getting a bigger cage, I'll probably make bin cages because it's cheaper and obviously this was unexpected so I didn't financially plan for it but I couldn't let them starve. I'll be upgrading their cage(s) very soon.
My question is, since they're already used to being housed together and seem to be getting on okay, do I leave them together but make two bin cages in case or just go ahead and separate them anyway? I don't have as much experience with Dwarfs as I do with Syrians and certainly not with keeping them together, I've only owned a single dwarf hamster. Any advice appreciated. They are males by the way if that affects anything
Currently a mum to Milka The Syrian, aswell as Luna the hooman 2yr old and Nova the hooman baby<3
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