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Old 07-17-2018, 05:46 AM  
Autumn Hamstery
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Location: Leeds, England.
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Default Re: Weird poop from syrian male hamster?

Hamsters have two different types of poop, there's the hard, dark ones and then there's the soft lighter coloured ones which can be quite sticky and wet looking. The reason for this is because sometimes they don't completely digest and absorb all of the nutrients, the wet ones are the ones that still contain some nutrients, they will actually eat their softer poops to ensure they're getting all the nutrients from their diet. So don't worry if you see him eating his poop!

From what I have read, I know that Oxbow isn't a good food. I'm not knowledgeable on feeds other than the ones in the UK so hopefully someone more knowledgeable on the feeds in your area comes along. I just know that a lab block and muesli mix is essential (I just don't know which ones!)
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