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Old 07-16-2018, 04:20 AM  
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Default Re: I need help as soon a possible please can someone help me

I'm sorry to hear she is not so well
The eye problems are often a symptom of something else being wrong. The abdominal bloating is not good news I'm afraid and it does sound like she may have a womb infection (pyometra) These can affect hammies of any age and cause the diarrhoea as well as a discharge from the female vent. Swelling can also be caused by a blockage in the bowel or even a heart problem which causes fluid to gather. What type of bedding do you use? The fluffy type can cause blockages.
Can you call the vets and ask to see someone else that has more experience with hamsters as she does sound critically ill here.
Hope you can sort something out. Sorry it cost so much as well. It would be because it was a Sunday
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