Thread: Smoosh
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Old 06-29-2018, 12:11 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 2
Default Re: Smoosh

I want to thank everyone for their support in this hard time. I'm still not completely settled, but it's getting easier. I've made her a stepping stone and placed it over her burial site in my garden.

I'm persevering despite all this. Recently, a good friend of mine shared a photo of a hamster at my local animal shelter that was getting passed over for adoption due to his age (he's a full grown adult). So unlike the baby hamsters they had, he wasn't getting a home. I thought it was too soon for me and it was a really tough decision but I figured he'd be better off with me than at a shelter. So he's home with me now. He may look like Smoosh but he's nothing like her. It still hurts to see him using all her old toys and hides, but a part of me is glad she was able to pass them down to other hams in need.

I've been calling him Gimli for the time being, he's very skittish and severely overweight as of right now, but those are things we will work on together. I pray that Smoosh will support him on this new adventure.
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