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Old 06-22-2018, 10:28 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Canada
Posts: 2
Default I think my hamsters leg is broken!

Yesterday night my hamster escaped from his cage and I found him with the cat we are temporarily taking care of. I quickly scooped him up and put him back in his cage.
I noticed that he was very slow, which is unnormal for him as he's an active dwarf hammy. I was hoping he was just scared or shocked but after further inspection, I noticed he had a small scratch on his forehead (not bleeding), and that he was limping, not using his back leg at all. I live in a small rural town and called the only vet, but they said that they only deal with cats & dogs and that they couldn't help. I put diluted antiseptic on his cut. I transferred to him to a tank, where he can't escape, and so he won't put any strain on his leg from trying to climb in his tubes or run in his wheel (he tried to but couldn't) as recommend online. He is still eating a bit of food and drinking water. I read a bit more saying that eventually, his leg could possibly heal on its own. I can't really do anything else but I'm still really worried about him. I feel really guilty about not securing his cage properly, and because of it, his leg is probably broken.
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