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Old 06-11-2018, 12:16 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 1
Default Re: How intelligent are hamsters?

I have owned several dwarf hamsters and each one is unique. The thing that is amazing is that they grow to appreciate you if you respect them. Some of them get so tame they run up to a certain spot to let me know they want to be held. Then they sleep on my shoulder while I pet them. I had one a few years ago that would run up every morning right before the alarm went off. Then we would get her and put her in bed with us and she would sleep while the alarm snoozed. She was a lot like a dog and would run up to greet us when we got back home. Her little back feet were misshapen like clubs. She didn't run well but had a big heart. The little thing would gently grab our finger in her mouth and pull it into her den then groom our fingers. I don't know what she thought about us, but I believe she loved us as we loved her. Pretty amazing if you ask me!
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